Get back to nature at Irons Oaks! Nature programs are designed to introduce participants to the world around them through hands-on learning and exploration. Our 38-acre nature preserve is home to a diversity of wildlife and habitat types. Whether you are a parent, school teacher, daycare provider, homeschool educator or summer camp, we have a program that fits your needs.
Options for programming include:
– On-site Programs that last 1 to 4 hours
– Early Childhood Programs for younger learners
– Outreach programs for early childhood centers, libraries and schools
For more information, contact or call 708-481-2330.
Fees per group of 15
- Pre K (one-hour) $55 R / $70 NR
- 90 minutes $75 R / $90 NR
- 2-hours $95 R / $120 NR
- 3-hours $135 R / $170 NR
- 4-hours $175 R / $220 NR
- Insect Investigation – learn about and hunt for these 6-legged creatures.
- Water, Water Everywhere – discover the many uses of water and explore the pond for macro-invertebrates.
- Forest Exploration – learn about trees from the inside out and about the forest as a whole.
- Illinois Biodiversity – investigate the diversity of wildlife that call Illinois home and the importance they have in maintaining the balance of nature.
- Nature Games – learn about and reinforce environmental concepts through game play.
- Nature Detectives – students will learn more about mammals while following clues along a hike to solve an animal mystery.
- Sense Hike – gain greater observation skills while learning and exploring using your senses.
- Nature Stories – take a forest adventure that connects stories with real life in the forest.
- Predator Prey Game – Students gain an understanding of what animals need to survive by taking on the roles of Herbivore, Omnivore and Carnivore in this active simulation game.
Call or email for resident discounts. 708-481-2330